Ozymandias is a collection of eight analogue collages that use the last Bank of England one pound note (issued in 1984) and a Percy Bysshe Shelley poem to meditate on the hubris of empire and late-stage capitalism. Ozymandias 6 (detail)(10″x4″;...
I see zine making as an extension of my art practice and an outgrowth of my interest in art products. I like making little books that I can sell cheaply. And I enjoy the zine community. For many years I participated in Montreal’s Expozine and in 2016 I exhibited...
Where My Pet Rock Came From Late stage capitalism sucks. We live in a time of unprecedented resources and technology. Yet, no one seems happy. People seemed overly concerned someone else is trying to get one over on them. Folks are obsessed with money and how to pay...
“What Will Be of Us” is a continuation of the series, “I Keep Myself Together”, in which Kadour pairs photographs with texts to evoke a response in the viewer. “I am interested in the isolation of contemporary life and the sometimes...
“The Veneration of Ruskin” celebrates the 19th century art critic John Ruskin. The 200th anniversary of his birth will take place in 2019. The project draws on Kadour’s interest in apotheosis, altar making, and still life paintings. The series of...
The book begins “You are a piece of shit and nobody likes you.” Ric Kasini Kadour’s Everything That Is Wrong With You and How to Fix It takes as a point of departure Austrian playwright Peter Handke’s 1966 anti-play Publikumsbeschimpfung during which actors cast...