Wandering Kings

The Kings Wander Beyond the Castle Walls29″x22; collage on Canadian geological survey map on mountboard; 2025. 2025-01-09 A The Kings Find Other Wandering Kings29″x22; collage on Canadian geological survey map on mountboard; 2025. 2025-01-09B...
I Took A Trip To The Unknown Language

I Took A Trip To The Unknown Language

I Took A Trip To The Unknown Language is a collection of fourteen, 8-inch by 6-inch, analogue collages by Ric Kasini Kadour that were made in September 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Sanquhar, Scotland. Each collage illustrates a line of a poem that was...
That Summer

That Summer

COMMENTARY The series “That Summer…” is a reflection on my own youth as a queer boy and the relationships I had with friends and all the charged feelings that came with them. In the past few years, my art practice has been concerned with heady ideas of...


“Ozymandias” is a collection of eight analogue collages that use the last Bank of England one pound note (issued in 1984) and a Percy Bysshe Shelley poem to meditate on the hubris of empire and late-stage capitalism. Ozymandius 6 (detail)...
Schwitters’ Army

Schwitters’ Army

Overview The Schwitters’ Army Collection of Collage Art is a permanent collection of international collage art at MERZ Gallery in Sanquhar, Scotland. The contributing artists are referred to as Veterans of Schwitters’ Army. The Schwitters’ Army Project is a...
America’s Promise

America’s Promise

Post 2528 11″x15″ print on 90 lb Fabriano cold press watercolor paper, 2021 A dry pool behind a chain link fence, worn down buildings in the desert, storm clouds loom, flowers bloom in the crusty soil, Ric Kasini Kadour’s America’s Promise...