In January and February 2020, I am the Artist-in-Residence at MERZ Gallery in Sanquhar, Scotland. The residency and film documentation are supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
About MERZ Gallery
Located in the former lemonade factory in Sanquhar, MERZ is the project of artist and filmmaker David Rushton, who is developing once derelict and neglected sites into art spaces. In addition to MERZ, he has turned a former abattoir into ZIPStudio and the Museum of Model Art and began manifesting a village of caravans that can house artists during the summer. Future additions include a second small studio with accommodation (Tadpole), a pop up cinema/further exhibition or studio space (кино), an unheated studio (FURTH), and sculpture green in addition to the work-shed and yard around the MERZ gallery and Bothy. Learn more at merz.gallery.
At the Residency
At this residency, I will activate as an artist, a writer, and a culture worker through a series of projects.
I will create a body of work that reflects my experience in Sanquhar. John Enderfield observed of Kurt Schwitters, “He used paper of virtually every possible origin and description that was available to him.” The art made while in residence will be exhibited at MERZ Gallery and shared online via social media.
My writing will focus on the idea of collage as a 21st century art movement. The writing will deconstruct the idea of an art movement and make the argument that collage, as a 21st century art movement, redefines how artists relate to one another and how art functions in society. I will also maintain a journal of thoughts and observations while in residency.
As a way of demonstrating collage as a 21st century art movement, I will build an international collection of collage. The Schwitters’ Army Collection of Collage Art at MERZ Gallery will be a permanent collection, a survey of art by collage artists, alive and active in 2020, who responded to a call to artists and shipped, via post, a single collage to MERZ Gallery. Components will include a Finding Aid, a website, and a book of collage in the collection. Learn more at the Schwitters’ Army website HERE.
Methodology & Values
I will build the Schwitters’ Army Collection in a transparent and open manner. The collection will be open to any artist who sends a collage. The Finding Aid will be live so that each day, anybody can access the document to follow the process.
I will communicate via social media (Instagram and Facebook) on a daily basis. Instagram @kasini will share personal experiences of being at the residency in Sanquhar. Instagram @kolajmagazine will share collage registered to the collection. On Instagram @merz.gallery, I will post reports on work I am doing while in residence, pictures of the gallery and installation of artwork, process work, and events.
I will maintain public hours at MERZ Gallery: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from Noon to 3PM when anyone can stop in for a visit. I will make and post a sign that reads “The Artist Is In” and I will be available for visits by appointment to those who email.