The Winooski Pop-up Gallery District transformed downtown Winooski, Vermont into a vibrant hub of contemporary art for six weeks in the summers of 2011 and 2012. Holiday Art Markets took place in November and December of 2011 and 2012. The events included art exhibitions; music and other cultural events; activities for children; and showcased the community of Winooski–its shops, restaurants, and history. The project worked with over 100 artists, brought thousands of people to downtown Winooski, and sold approximately $20,000 worth of art.

The Winooski Pop-up Gallery District changed how people thought about the town. People said things like, “Winooski is Burlington’s Brooklyn.” To which we responded, Brooklyn is New York’s Winooski.

By presenting contemporary art in vacant spaces, we converted potential urban blight into an asset that raises the profile and desirability of the community. The Pop-Up Gallery District leveraged the creative economy and presented Winooski as the place where people want to eat, shop, live, work, and enjoy.