

PERSONAL STATEMENT boring14.09.05-16.09.05 I hadn’t met Danny in person before, but we talked a lot over a few months and found we had art and a mutual attraction in common. You have to meet Danny to understand him. He is full of contradictions: part art mafiosi, part...

I Keep Myself Together

“I Keep Myself Together” is a series of 10 photographs that contrast urban isolation and natural beauty. New York is advanced urban life. One of the great things about New Yorkers is that they move through the city unaware or unconcerned that other people will see...

Day & Night

Day & Night These photographs reflect my interest in abstraction and particularly, the abstracted landscape. In these “Day” photographs, wanted to push the edge of whiteness and blur. I also wanted to capture fields of color. In the “Night” photographs, I wanted...

Instant Colour Photographs

I use a Polaroid 360 Land Camera and Fujifilm FP-100c to make a instant colour photographs. AVAILABLE HERE Sometimes these are one-offs made for INSTANT ARTSHOP. Other times they are studies for projects, particularly when I am experimenting with blur. Others are made...